I love New York. I love it like a person. So I wanted to paint it. This is the Pomona statue in New York, which is in front of the Plaza hotel; I took the photo in the springtime, and when the exercise was to paint from a photo, I brought it to class. Chui told me to zoom in on the statue, because otherwise it would be lost in the painting. There are a lot of blues in the trees, much more than I thought, until Chui corrected me, and the shadow under the fountain is very dark. He told me to make the statue itself "more elegant" and shaved off a lot of the fat by painting over it. A lot of viridian green in that. However, the original statue is even more elegant, and fluid. I don't know how they did it, those bronze masters; Bitter, the sculptor, sadly, died in a car accident before he completed it.The fountain and monument were commissioned by Pulitzer and the story about that is found here.
This is what happens when Sempe comes along: