Monday, 21 October 2013

Wakefield Bird Watching

At the end of May, these little sweeties fly over from Mexico. It is my belief that if you see a hummingbird, it means you're having a good day.

We heat 1/2 cup sugar in 1.5 cups water in a saucepan, cool, and then fill in this great feeder which I got at an expensive bird store, but then found out that they're cheap at Canadian Tire. Or any hardware store. Birds need their sugar.

These are wild turkeys, which we're seeing a lot. With all of the coyotes running around, I'm surprised that there are any of these left. 

This summer we had barn sparrows above the front door. Which seemed charming, until they made the welcome mat less welcoming.

Then they started kicking out the babies. First 3 were on the porch. Then two huddled together. Then finally this one little guy was left and he stayed exactly there on the porch all night. Our cat and dogs left him alone. His mother came down to feed him:

Great Grey Owl

Saw him in our back yard while skiing in March. We feed him chicken skin. We get about 100 chicks in the spring and grow them into chickens and they get sent off to be killed plucked gutted bagged and weighed. So there are lots in the freezers and I defrost one every week, and it's easy to have lots of loose skin with no plans for it. We just put it in a baggie and go skiing and then wing it into a tree branch and it just clings there. The next day it is gone, no tracks around. We then found some spare sheep kidneys and a heart in the freezer. The butcher sends back everything when we send our sheep. So anyway J decided to thaw that out, usually I barbecue it up for the dog but instead he wanted to sacrifice that to the owl as well. So we go out into the woods, and J spears the heart on a branch and then the two kidneys. It looked really weird. Anyway it freaked out the owl, because even he wouldn't touch it.

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