Monday, 8 December 2014

Christmas Turkey?

Could you eat this bird? We were supposed to have her for Christmas dinner, but I don't know if we will have the heart to do her in. We had 10 turkey chicks, and when there are many you don't get to know them. But this year, the raccoons killed 9. So... this one turkey is left, and we got to know her, and she is nice. So I don't know... maybe we'll have ham this year.

Monday, 1 December 2014

Still Life with Coffee Pot

Final night

First + second night

3rd night
I had a hard time with the background grey, it is french ultramarine blue with sienna brown. I guess all greys are a mix of blue with orange or brown, as my father told me. Trying to make the pot look metallic was not so hard when I tried to just copy the colours one by one, and their shape, and darkness or lightness, without thinking to much about the whole.

The real thing. Fake flowers though.